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Registered provider? Aye! Compliant with Travel Rule? Aye! 🇬🇧

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey towards regulatory compliance. MoonPay is now officially operating as a Registered Cryptoasset Provider in the United Kingdom. This achievement represents a crucial step in our commitment to providing a safe and reliable platform for our UK customers.

What does this mean for you? As part of our compliance efforts, we've introduced a new onboarding flow and requirements for all UK residents. This includes a localized questionnaire, updated Terms & Conditions, and new transaction limits.

Additionally, we are now screening UK customer wallets to determine if they are custodial or non-custodial at the order creation step, in strict accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) guidance. These changes are essential to comply with the Crypto Travel Rule.

For context, this is a mandate requiring Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) and financial institutions involved in virtual asset transfers to collect and share personal data of transaction originators and beneficiaries. The goal is to combat money laundering and reinforce the integrity of virtual asset transactions.

These milestones are a testament to our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of security and regulatory compliance while providing you with a seamless crypto experience. You can learn more about it in our Newsroom post.

New & Improved

  • NFT Checkout Supports OpenSea Primary Drops on Arbitrum & Optimism: MoonPay’s NFT Checkout now supports Optimism & Arbitrum Primary drops on OpenSea, meaning you can purchase these NFTs with a card.

  • Sunset support for Malaysia: We had to discontinue our services for Malaysian customers due to the country's classification of crypto assets as securities. As much as it pains us to stop servicing Malaysians, we are committed to complying with local regulations. Terima kasih.

  • Stellar Off-ramp support: We now offer Stellar Off-ramp support, allowing you to smoothly and securely sell your XLM assets.

  • Miscellaneous fixes: We addressed various issues, including fixing the QR code for sell deposit details, making improvements to our SDKs (React Native and Web) and our BTC send feature.

Alejandro Rodriguez
Alejandro Rodriguez

Identity Product Manager

Diogo Nunes
Diogo Nunes

Content writer