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0 minsPublished on 11/25/2021

A Day in the Life of Full Stack Engineer Filipe Pinheiro

What’s it like working as a Full Stack Engineer at MoonPay?

By Filipe Pinheiro

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About me

My name is Filipe, I'm from Lisbon, and I've been a software engineer for the last decade. Before joining MoonPay in March 2021, I worked for five years as a consultant in multiple projects and industries developing products and upskilling teams. 

I spent on average six months per engagement, and although that was a rewarding path, the need for external resources tends to fade when the delivery of a product and the ways of working are healthy. The natural next step for me was to continue improving delivery and working methods in a more permanent environment.

I was keen to join a company where I could experience constant improvements, better productivity, and healthier ways of working. I found in MoonPay the perfect setting for this, not only on the engineering side but also on the people and personal side.

What does your typical day look like? 

We work in two-week cycles. We meet daily for a quick catchup and sync, and for each cycle we have the usual ceremonies: planning, refinement, review and retrospective.

MoonPay is a remote-first company, so each team can span multiple time zones. In my team, most people work in Europe, so to accommodate the working hours of each member we have the daily meeting at 9:30 my time. 

The next item on my agenda depends on team priorities, but the main focus is the current cycle and ensuring the team's commitments are closer to "done" (the last column on our board).

Apart from the current cycle work, I also have discussions with the product team about new workstreams that are then introduced in the following cycles. Even with these responsibilities, there is still plenty of time for me to do hands-on engineering work and to contribute to the hiring process for engineer positions at MoonPay. 

In the afternoon, I have focus time set up on my calendar after 4pm to finish the day's remaining tasks and prepare the next day for success.

What do you love about working at MoonPay?

When it comes to working at MoonPay, the customer is central. Not only because a happy customer is a returning customer but also because a simpler, safer, and better customer experience has a high impact on MoonPay’s goals for the future.

Our engineering teams work closely with the product team to ensure our priorities align with our customers’ needs. Our product team is excellent, and every feature request, experimentation, or significant change is based on customer analysis to ensure we deliver work that impacts our metrics positively and leads us to a better customer experience.

This quest for a more satisfied customer also affects the engineering teams since we know our work is valued and moves the needle in the right direction.

What's an exciting challenge you're facing in your role over the next 6-12 months? 

In a short period, MoonPay confirmed a market for payment systems in the crypto space. We have an excellent customer base, and we have already started creating a simpler, safer, and more cost-effective way to buy and sell crypto. For me personally, growth creates exciting engineering challenges. 

In the following months, we will continue scaling our infrastructure to handle the demands of a growing customer base while maintaining quality, security, and overall customer experience. Our growth puts pressure on our engineering teams, and we need to ensure that the culture, values, and positive environment align with a growing company and codebase. 

Help us give the next billion people access to crypto by 2030

The article you just read covers only part of the culture, people, and the fantastic work that's being done at MoonPay. If these words resonate with you, head over to our careers page and apply for one of our opening roles. MoonPay is growing as a company, and one of our main assets is people. It would be great to hear from you!

Filipe Pinheiro
Written byFilipe Pinheiro